Pick a challenge and start coding!

CodeClimbJS is the only end to end online playground that teach you Front End Development. Pick a Challenge or a Learning Path, read the carefully designed task, code, test and refine your skills with our solutions. Every challenge is crafted to simulate real world interviews and everyday job tasks by senior developers and tech leads.Still not sure on how to start? Check out the steps below or read our documentation.
01.Pick a challenge or a path
- Select a challenge or a path from the sidebar menu or from the challenge list below. - Choose between 4 difficulties, any company or language
02.Code and Test
- Carefully read the assignment instructions and start coding.- Test your code as many times as you wish, receive an immediate feedback, with console outputs.
03.Check our solution
- Stuck or want to improve? Check the solution and adapt your answer.- Iterate and track your progress in the main dashboard.

Javascript Path - 90 hours

All the challenges needed to learn JavaScript, tackle your next interview and become a senior

React Path - 98 hours

From foundation challenges to advanced state management and performance optimization

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